Life remains for those under the burden of trauma only a quest for survival - until someone throws them a lifeline of the possibility of quieting the fear and consequently improved self-regulation through neurofeedback.
See chapter 11 in the second edition of Neurofeedback-The Non-Invasive Alternative.

Events & Seminars

Latest fMRI Research:
Neurofeedback and DBR
4-5 October
Cape town
Watch the Trauma '24 videos here
Three acclaimed world leaders in trauma intervention and research will be in the same conversation at a conference in SA in October ’24: Sebern Fisher, Dr Frank Coorigen, and Prof. Ruth Lanius. The focus of the conference is on the influence of trauma in the brainstem and how Neurofeedback and Deep Brain Reorienting impact the consequences of histories of neglect, abandonment, and abuse at the level of the brain.

Helena Bester
Helena Bester is the author of four best selling, authoritative books on ADHD and learning problems: Help my kind makeer iets, Help, my child is causing chaos, How to cope with ADHD and New hope for ADHD in children and adults. Helena offers neurofeedback as the main intervention in her private practice since 2005 where she works with children and adults. She follows a holistic approach and believes that “It is love alone that gives worth to all things.” – Teresa van Ávila
Helena Bester's
Videos on Neurofeedback
Follow this link to ISNR, a non-profit member organisation for professionals who are passionate about Neurofeedback
Contact information
Helena Bester, Neurotherapist, is currently practicing in Maputo, Mozambique.
Get in contact via mail: